Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of The Canadian Canoe Museum will be held in Peterborough at the Museum (910 Monaghan Rd.) on the 25th day of March 2004 at the hour of 7:00 o'clock in the evening, for the following purpose:
- To receive a report from the Board on the progress of the museum's restructuring activities.
- To consider the following motion regarding the election of an Honorary Chair of the Canadian Canoe Museum.
"In recognition of the loyal and valuable contribution that Jack Matthews has made to the Canadian Canoe Museum over many years, and of his love and respect for the canoe, for the environment and for our natural resources, it is hereby moved that Jack Matthews be elected as the Honorary Chair of the Canadian Canoe Museum for 2004 in accordance with Section of By-law #1."
- To elect the Board of Directors for 2004. The Board will hold office until the 2005 Annual Meeting. Attached () to this Notice are the names of all those who have been duly nominated to serve on the Board for 2004.
Meeting agenda is attached ().
Only members of record as of 5:00 EST on March 24, 2004 will be entitled to vote at the meeting or adjournments thereof.
Members who do not plan to be present at the Meeting may appoint a nominee to represent them by completing a Proxy Form (). Completed proxy forms must be returned to the CCM or registered by the proxy holder between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM on the date of the meeting. Note that Proxy forms must be completed, signed, and returned in the original or by facsimile transmission only. Proxies returned by e-mail are not acceptable.
Registration for the meeting will commence at 5:30 PM. Members and proxy holders who plan to attend are asked to register early so that the meeting can start on time. The registration for proxies will close at 7:00 PM on the date of the meeting.
Dated at Peterborough this 12th day of March, 2004.
Don Curtis, Chair
By order of the Board
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