Museum Gift Store
Featured Items
Peter Gilchrist, Peter Karwacki and Ken Corbett, Paddle Tracks, Edmonton, Kakwa River Press, 2004, pp iv, 86, $15.00
Paddle Tracks is a collection of poems about canoeing by three Canadian poets: Peter Gilchrist (Alberta), Peter Karwacki (Ontario) and Ken Corbett (New Brunswick). They produced this anthology specifically to support the Canadian Canoe Museum, to which all proceeds are donated.
"There is something about being on a river that stirs the soul. Paddling is poetry unspoken."
(Paddle Tracks)
These poems revisit magic moments on the water and their imagery makes paddling a reality for those who do not paddle.
Available at the Museum Gift Store or may be ordered by telephone at or
toll-free at .
James Raffan (concept), Paul Mills (coordinating producer), Canoesongs, Volume 1, Portage Productions, Toronto, 2004, $20.00
Canoesongs (Volume 1) is a CD of canoe songs composed and performed by diverse artists. James Raffan and Paul Mills have teamed up to create an original album of exceptional interest and pleasure and are directing a substantial portion of proceeds to the Canadian Canoe Museum.
"Canoe, the ultimate craft. Light, symmetrical and balanced ... It runs on hard work and the cycles of nature. It supports independence, but teaches duality ... It counsels care and moderation ... But best of all, this canoe takes us to the land, into the land, to places we would never be without it ..."
Available at the Museum Gift Store or may be ordered by telephone at or toll-free at .