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Membership Campaign
Become a Member of The Canadian Canoe Museum
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Please complete and return the membership application with your payment today!
With the largest collection in the world of canoes, kayaks and related watercraft, the Canadian Canoe Museum is a national treasure. Unfortunately, in October 2003 a lack of operating funds forced the Museum to close its doors temporarily and to undergo reorganization and financial restructuring. The financial restructuring began last fall and the Museum reopened on May 1, 2004.
The financial challenge that forced the Museum's temporary closure has led to a complete review of priorities and operations. From its beginning, the Museum has faced a daunting task: without financial resources it set out to save a world-class collection of 600 canoes and to create a museum where these artifacts could be protected and exhibited. Determination and hard work by volunteers created a successful, operating museum of national and international importance. Many individual donors, corporations, foundations and governments contributed generously to make this happen. In 2001, Phase I was successfully completed. The new Millennium exhibits opened and our highly acclaimed program of school and public education began.
The expenses of operating the Museum strained existing revenues. The need remained for major capital expenditures on buildings and other infrastructure to protect the collection and to facilitate increased revenue. Phase II of development was launched, and was to include an Outdoor Learning Centre, renovations to the Collections Centre and a link between this and the Weston Exhibition Centre. The drop in the financial markets of the previous two years diminished returns from fundraising, and the dramatic drop in tourist traffic in 2003 reduced admission revenues. Furthermore, revised cost estimates for the Outdoor Learning Centre were far higher than the Museum could realistically support. In consequence, and facing mounting debt, the Board shelved Phase II and temporarily closed the Museum in order to restructure its finances and operations.
To support the Museum, we have launched a revitalized membership campaign and a redirected fundraising initiative. We urge you to become a member: a large membership is the essential foundation for a healthy, financially viable Canoe Museum. We need the support of all who are concerned with preserving this vital part of our heritage, and we need your contribution to the good governance of the Museum. With a successful membership drive, we are confident that the restructuring measures will place the Museum on a sustainable financial basis. The capital and infrastructure challenges remain, of course: these will be prioritized and tackled one at a time on an appropriate scale.
The Canoe Museum preserves and explores an exceptional part of Canada's heritage. We need you as a member to help with this exciting and important project. Please complete and return the membership form with your payment today!